School Council
Meet the School Council
Hello! We have been elected by our class to be their voice in School Council meetings throughout this year. We do our best to listen to all of their ideas and communicate them during our meetings. We also keep them up to date with what has been discussed in our meetings and any changes that have been made.


Our Roles and Responsibilities
We mainly work with Mr O’Hearn throughout the year, having regular meetings to discuss a range of things. However, this year we are going to be spending the majority of our time focusing on lunchtimes; the meals provided by our new catering company, healthy lunchboxes, playground games and many other ideas too.
Some of our key responsibilities as School Councillors include:
- Listening to the ideas and views of our classmates and sharing these clearly in our meetings
- Feeding back information to our classmates
- Discussing ideas from across the school and making decisions
- Making changes that we believe will make our school a better place to be
- Being a role model in terms of attitude, attendance, behaviour, and manners to all members of the Freegrounds community
- Collaborating effectively with the other School Councillors
- Helping members of staff with additional jobs or events as required
News and Updates - 2022-2023
What the children have said about lunchtimes so far
What are the positive changes?
– Bigger variety of meals and choices
– More flavouring in the meals
– The meal portions are bigger
– You can take as many ‘extras’ as you like (salad, bread, fruit)
– There are a variety of puddings
– The food is healthier
What would make lunchtimes even better?
– More places to sit in the hall
– Have other drinks available, not just water
– Everyone should have a chance to try the meals
– Putting a film on while we eat
– Swap the year groups that go into the hall first
– Lunchtime clubs – somewhere to sit
– More themed days
What has changed and improved so far
- We have changed the arrangement of tables and bought 5 new tables, so we can seat more children at a time. Because of the new arrangement, there is also more room to walk around the tables so the hall feels more spacious.
- We are currently speaking to Aspens to arrange having taster pots over a period of days. These will be put on tables where children are having packed lunches so they can try the meals to see if they like them.
- We have introduced a colouring area in one of the huts where children can sit, listen to quiet music and colour.
Further changes will follow. During the School Council meetings we also discussed the practicalities of some of the suggestions given and whether the School Council felt making all the changes would actually improve lunchtimes or not. We are keen to continue to listen to the children’s ideas and opinions and hope that we can make ongoing improvements.